Have you ever noticed that we spend a great deal of time thinking about the past, worrying about the future, and longing to be somewhere else, that we let the present moment pass us by? Living in this constant state is not living at all — it’s wasting our time and energy.
The first step on the path of living presently is to realize that you’re letting your life pass you by. The next step is to do something about it so that you can enjoy life as it’s happening right now.
Practices That Help You Live in the Present Moment
1. Maintain a Healthy Mindset: Practicing positive affirmations, breathing deeply in yoga or meditation, eating healthy, sleeping well, and staying physically active all contribute to your healthy state of mind so that you can enjoy every experience, using all of your senses.
2. Manage Your Thoughts: Notice when you’re wishing you were somewhere else, or stressing about what tomorrow holds and bring your thoughts back to appreciating where you are now. I’ve been using this positive affirmation a lot recently: I am enjoying the present moment. It’s very simple, but effective. It allows me to focus in on what’s happening right now, and clears away any stressful thought.
3. Take Action: If you’re not happy with where you are now in your life, do something about it. Take action that will help you get to where you’d like to go, but enjoy the process as it’s happening — enjoy every step. “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey to get there.”
4. Surround Yourself With Loving Relationships: Being surrounded by loved ones helps to put things into perspective. I enjoy every moment that I have them in my life and just knowing that I have their love and support puts a smile on my face in any situation.
Do you have any other tips on living in the present moment?
Please share your ideas in the comments below.
XO Devon