Not only are cucumbers delicious, but they are packed full of nutrition. For instance, they’re high in B vitamins, enzymes, and electrolytes, and they contain key minerals, such as potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium.
Their high fiber, high water content, as well as their abundance of enzymes, makes them ideal to eat before meals. If you fill up on the good stuff first, you will digest your food better and it will keep you from over-indulging on skin-dulling foods, like dairy and heavy, refined starches.
The cucumber’s naturally filtered enzyme-rich water is excellent for hydrating your skin and making it look more supple. The abundant amount of silica in the skin of a cucumber, also contributes to your skin’s resiliance and sheen. Because of this, it’s important you always consume organic cucumbers, free of pesticides and waxes that make peeling a non-organic cucumber necessary.
Organic Cucumber = Pesticide-Free Cucumber Skin = Full Dose of Silica = Radiant Beauty
The flesh of the cucumber is made up of vitamin C, which will further brighten your complexion, as well as caffeic acid. This acid has anti-inflammatory properties and soothes the skin, making it very popular at spas to help with under-eye puffiness.
An added bonus of the wonderful cucumber is that it contains phytochemicals, which can cause the collagen in the outer skin layer to tighten up and reduce the visibility of cellulite. Just rub a couple of slices over problem areas for a few moments before you hop into your swimsuit.
I love adding chopped cucumbers to my salads, eating them alone as a snack, dunking them in my favorite veggie dip, or blending them in a green smoothie.
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What’s your favorite way to add cucumbers into your diet?
I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments below.
XO Devon