I choose to wake up every day with a positive outlook on life. Today is rainy, windy, and cold, but I still feel that it’s the most beautiful day ever and that I’m going to have the best go of it.
By now you probably realize that I’m a very positive person – I believe wholeheartedly in daily positive affirmations and, in general, choosing to see the brighter sides of things.
Choosing is the key word here. It’s a choice to be positive, even when faced with hard situations.
Deepak Chopra makes a valid point when he says “Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”
It’s very easy to react to anything in a “poor me” kind of attitude, but I’m asking you to choose to be positive. Life will be so much more pleasant if you do.
Best wishes!
The following tools helped me on my journey to positivity. I still reference them from time to time.