Recently, I started tracking my finances so that I could get down to the nitty-gritty with my financial goals. A colleague recently told me about a planner called The Ultimate Life Binder from the Secret Owl Society where you can download useful printables for planning your day, month, projects, ... View Post
Words of Wisdom: Overcome Your Cravings
Are you trying to overcome your cravings? Repeat the words above in your head whenever you're being tempted. Cravings are only in our minds. If we ignore them and move on, they will quickly be forgotten. When I'm at the grocery store checking out and the candy is just taunting me, I repeat ... View Post
Thursday Thirteen: Get Rid of Negative Thoughts With Positive Affirmations
"Never underestimate the power of your mind to change your destiny." ~Vidya Sury Many people have negative thought patterns that hold them back throughout their lives. It's very important to first recognize those negative thoughts, thoughts like "I can never do this right", "this always happens ... View Post
Most-Loved Morning Rituals
I thought I'd share with you a few things I like to do every morning to get myself on the right track for the day. 1. Sip on warm lemon water first thing in the morning. Simply heat a cup of water (doesn't have to be hot, just warm), squeeze the juice of half a lemon in a mug, and pour the warm ... View Post
Healthy Habits: Start Your Day With a Morning Walk
Lately, I’ve been starting my day off with early morning walks. Whether I only have time for a 10 minute walk or a 30 minute walk, I take it. The benefits have been amazing! Not only is it helpful to just get outside and get moving, but it helps clear my mind too. If I'm walking with a friend or ... View Post
Monday Blues: Inspirational Quotes That Will Get You Through the Week
We all know that weekends pass us by way too quickly and the dreaded Monday blues creep in. The thoughts of having to go back to work, relinquishing your free time, and thinking of all the things you wished you had accomplished are looming in your mind. So in the heart of staying positive and ... View Post