I choose to wake up every day with a positive outlook on life. Today is rainy, windy, and cold, but I still feel that it's the most beautiful day ever and that I'm going to have the best go of it. By now you probably realize that I'm a very positive person - I believe wholeheartedly in daily ... View Post
Thursday Thirteen: Get Rid of Negative Thoughts With Positive Affirmations
"Never underestimate the power of your mind to change your destiny." ~Vidya Sury Many people have negative thought patterns that hold them back throughout their lives. It's very important to first recognize those negative thoughts, thoughts like "I can never do this right", "this always happens ... View Post
Monday Blues: Inspirational Quotes That Will Get You Through the Week
We all know that weekends pass us by way too quickly and the dreaded Monday blues creep in. The thoughts of having to go back to work, relinquishing your free time, and thinking of all the things you wished you had accomplished are looming in your mind. So in the heart of staying positive and ... View Post
5 Affordable and Thoughtful Gift Ideas
I recently posted about the true meaning of gift giving, which you can read here. So in that mindset, today I'd like to share some thoughtful gift ideas that won't break the bank. 1. For someone who's looking for change in life: I've been hearing nothing, but positive praises about how the book, ... View Post
The Meaning of Gift Giving
Let's go back to the basics of gift giving, to what the holidays are really all about. It's not about how much money you spend or even giving anything at all, it's about sharing your love with one another and being present; that's a gift all on its own. My siblings and I usually do a Secret Santa ... View Post
Give Thanks Everyday
Thanksgiving is a reminder for us to come together and give thanks for all that we have to be grateful for in our lives. Honestly, I feel it could also be a reminder for us to give thanks on a daily basis. Throughout the day, I make sure that I say "thank you" as many times as I possibly can. ... View Post