One of the 1st and easiest ways to take control of your health is by drinking water. Our bodies are made up of 60% water and if we aren’t replenishing our supply, then we are dehydrating ourselves. Just before bed and while we sleep, our bodies are working very hard “cleaning house”. They’re digesting, detoxing, repairing, and so on.
Do you ever realize when you wake up, you feel extra parched? That’s because our bodies worked so hard, they now need hydration. I make it a habit to keep a tall glass of water by my bed every night, so that when I wake up, I drink it first thing. I then immediately sip on a cup of warm water with juice from ½ a lemon throughout the morning. Already, I’ve had about 24oz. of water. I add the lemon juice to further hydrate my body and detoxify. By doing this every morning before eating or drinking anything else, you will be giving your body the extra flush and detoxification it needs, not to mention energy to start your day off right.
Now everyone has a different theory on how much water to drink daily. My theory is to drink ½ your body weight in ounces per day. So if you weigh 140 lbs., drink 70oz. of water. Do what feels best for you. Generally 1 short glass is 8oz and 1 tall glass is 16oz., so do your best to estimate how much you’re drinking throughout the day. The important part is to try. Try to be aware of how much water you’re consuming and do you best to drink enough for your body.
Perfection is not the goal – improvement is. Experiment with some creative water recipes below for added nutrient benefits!
1. Strawberry lemon infused water (via I Heart Naptime)
3. Honey sweetened lemonade (via Live Simply)
4. Watermelon Spritzer (via VAPOUR ORGANIC BEAUTY)
How are you going to incorporate more water into your day?